best things to do in the Philippines

29 Best Things to Do in the Philippines

If you are wondering what to do in the Philippines, you have reached the cover letter of this archipelago with more than 7,000 islands. When you finish reading it, it will make you make room on the refrigerator door for the next magnet: your super trip to the Philippines.

I’m a lover of adventure and an insatiable explorer of unknown places. I have been documenting every corner, so you have all the details of the best things to do in the Philippines. This is a brief summary of things to see and do, but if I haven’t put more in this article, it’s because they simply don’t fit.

Forget about visiting Buddhist temples. Here, there are Catholic churches just like those in Spain. But if you love this country so much, it is not because of the well-placed stones. It’s a country made for adventurers who flee from tourism, with the possibility of traveling on your own and enjoying alone the countless (I literally can’t count them) beaches and virgin jungles that serve as your wallpaper.

And if you are thinking, “Uiui, how scary,” don’t worry. You will find all the information on each site so that you feel at home. Furthermore, English is the country’s second language, and wherever you go, they will be able to understand you.

1. Island Hopping: From Island to Island

Introducing a must-know term in the Philippines: island hopping! It’s like a magical tour that whisks you away to different islands in the region using a Bangka, those iconic Filipino wooden boats that steal the show in every photo.

Typically, these tours last a day, hitting up the absolute best beaches in the Philippines. But guess what? Some companies take it up a notch, offering the option to extend the adventure over multiple days, even letting you snooze on the shore. If you’ve got dreams of camping in the Philippines, this is your chance to think big.

Now, these tours can be in small or large groups, or you can go all out and make it a private affair. And no worries, private doesn’t mean breaking the bank. Knowing where to snag the best deals is the key.

Consider this activity an automatic addition to your list of the best things to do in the Philippines. Your only task? Figuring out which ones you fancy. El Nido, Corón, and Balabac are the big names, but don’t sleep on others like Port Barton, Romblón, or Siargao. They might be less known, but they promise more solitude and better prices – a win-win!

2. Dive in the Center of the World’s Marine Biodiversity

It won’t take you long to realize that many things to do in the Philippines are on the water. But if you’re a bit of a land enthusiast, hold on to hope because you’ll find the same amount of treasures on dry land. And returning to the water, let me add that you are in the Coral Triangle. If it sounds unfamiliar, it is nothing more than the heart of the ocean. Thanks to its two currents, which are rich in nutrients, it creates the area with the greatest marine biodiversity that exists and distributes it throughout the planet.

Diving is divided into three groups: Diving with sharks, diving in areas full of marine and coral life, and diving in sunken ships. In any case, there are many more diving spots, each with its own particular interests: turtles, mandarin fish, blue-ringed octopuses, or the specialty of muck diving with mud seabeds.

3. Snorkel with Turtles

Now, if you’re a fan of exploring the mysterious underwater world but diving feels a bit too intense, fear not; snorkeling is here to bring you the same magic, and it’s like a free pass to the sea floor. The best part? You’re the boss! You decide where to go, how long to stay, and when to resurface.

Underneath the waves, there’s a whole world waiting to be explored. But let me tell you, the turtles are the real heart-stealers, the cherry on top of your Philippines adventure. While spotting them might seem like a game of luck, there are specific points where a sighting is guaranteed. For example, in Moalboal, there is a hidden area where it is not known why, but it is their meeting point, and you can see dozens!

4. Hiking and Tropical Trekking

The beaches are obvious, but behind the palm grove that delimits them, the tropical vegetation that forms the jungle extends. This provides shelter to hundreds of tribes and thousands of species of fauna and flora, the kind you see in documentaries.

We continue discovering trails, but for now, you have several in mind, but you don’t know which one to decide. And here’s a clue: the vegetation makes a radical change from the north to the south of the country as the humidity varies. In the north, it is drier, and the forests are pine, but the further south you go, the more tropical flora you will find.

Among them, the most captivating are found in the rice terraces of Sagada, Banaue, and Bontoc, the Osmeña Peak in Cebu, the Alicia Mountains in Anda, the Mt. Mayon volcano in Legazpi, or the mythical trek of Mt. Guiting-Sibuyan guiting among carnivorous plants.

5. Enjoy the Best Beaches in Asia

It is possibly the most acclaimed point for travelers and, at the same time, the most exasperating, as there are as many beaches as there are opinions about them. Finding your favorites will take time, but I can assure you one thing: I have visited the best beaches in neighboring countries, and those in the Philippines are much more paradisiacal by far! 

Despite the rumors out there, there are few white sand beaches. These can be found in Balabac, on some islands of the island hopping of Corón, and in the Anda area. However, the rest with golden sand have little to envy them. Some of them include Kalanggaman Island in Malapascua, Cresta de Gallo Island in Sibuyan, Bon Bon Beach in Romblon, and the Naked Island of Siargao.

6. Tour the Mythical Rice Terraces

Did you know that the Philippines is the eighth largest producer of rice in the world, and they have more than 300 varieties? Visiting rice terraces is one of the cool things to do in the Philippines, no matter what because you will inevitably find them wherever you go. However, so that the photo can serve as your wallpaper, I will give you some theoretical and practical advice.

The theory is that in the Philippines, rice is grown twice a year, the most important time being during the dry season (April – May). This cultivation is divided into 3 phases, the last being reproductive and maturation, and for four months, you will find the stairs covered in green. 

However, you will love the practical advice: the weather in the Philippines is changing, and rice is planted at the wrong time throughout the year, meaning that at any time, there are always rice terraces in their full splendor.

And now that you’ve come up, you should know that the world-famous ones are in the north (Sagada, Banaue, and Bontoc). Does your route go through the south? No problem, you have the Anda rice terraces in Bohol, barely known but just as spectacular, and best of all, you will reach them in 30 minutes!

7. Swim with the Whale Shark

Whether you like the water or not, swimming with the whale shark answers the question of what to see in the Philippines. And if you look closely, it’s swimming and not diving. This activity is done in snorkel mode since the whales are not big fans of the bubbles caused by divers.

The word “shark” might give you pause. Despite being the world’s largest fish at 13 meters, it surprisingly sustains itself on tiny plankton, algae, and krill. It’s comforting to note that encounters with humans are more like a courteous sidestep than a threatening encounter.

In their world of total freedom, these majestic creatures are located with the help of scouts on boats. The thrill begins the moment you board the bangka, lingering until you step back onto solid ground, having fulfilled a dream.

8. Bathe in Cenotes

Have you had enough of salt water? Well, there are also things to do in the Philippines in fresh water and in style! Open cenotes are underground water wells found in caves; over time, the roof that covers them collapses, leaving them exposed to the elements. So, if you were looking for an excuse to bathe in fresh, crystal-clear waters, here is the excuse to visit the Anda area in Bohol.

9. Immerse yourself in Hispanic history

Discovered by Ferdinand Magellan, the Philippines was colonized by Spain from 1565 to 1898. Over these 333 years, amid battles, the Spanish left enduring roots that still thrive in their cities today. The Manila Cathedral and Magellan’s Cross in Cebu stand as emblematic reminders, but a tour of any island reveals their presence, leaving behind Catholic churches as their legacy.

For history enthusiasts, a trip to Intramuros in Manila is a must. Inside its protective walls, you’ll discover the essence of the past, preserved for those eager to explore the historical layers of the Philippines.

10. Explore Islands by Motorcycle

Visiting tourist sites is great, but what we want is to freely discover all the things to do in the Philippines without depending on anyone. And for that, I suggest renting a motorcycle. It’s not just a suggestion; it’s a must-do if you want to reach those hidden beaches, wander through rice terraces, or dive into the heart of authentic villages.

11. Volcanoes for all Tastes

If you’re into volcanoes, picking one from the 300 scattered around the Philippines might seem tricky, but here’s the scoop: the three most popular ones are conveniently along your way and don’t take much time to explore. What’s interesting is that they’re also among the six most active volcanoes in the country.

First up is the Taal Volcano, south of Manila, often visited when you’ve got a day to kill in the city waiting for your flight home. Head north, and you’ll find the Pinatubo volcano with its crater lake and the majestic Mt. Mayon, flaunting its perfect geometry in Legazpi.

12. Feel like a Castaway on Virgin Islands

Maybe you didn’t have it on your list of things to do in the Philippines because it seemed impossible, but you can start re-editing it now. Although it may be hard to believe, there are still uninhabited virgin islands where you can stay up late in tents or bamboo huts. The main ones are on the Balabac IslandsKalanggaman Island in Malapascua, the 3-day Coron Tour, and the epic Cresta de Gallo Island in Sibuyan.

13. Discover Hundreds of Waterfalls

When it comes to images of the Philippines on the internet, they’re often color-altered, except for the waterfalls – their incredible turquoise blue is just too perfect to enhance. Experiencing the magic of waterfalls is one of the amazing things to do in the Philippines, where you’ll witness the enchanting blend of dark green tropical vegetation and the milky-turquoise hues of fresh water. And, of course, you get to revel in this beauty in a serene environment, far from the tourist hustle and bustle.

Kawasan Falls steals the spotlight thanks to its proximity, easy access, and numerous pools for a refreshing dip. Yet, this popularity comes at a cost, with crowds, shouts, and waiting lines.

If you’re eager for peace and quiet, check out the waterfalls in the Moalboal area. But if you’re up for a controlled adventure, discover the 22 lesser-known waterfalls of Cebu in the same region.

Does your route not pass through Cebu? Don’t worry; you have just as many spectacular ones in Laguna (near Manila), those in Sibuyan in Romblon, or those in Bohol.

14. Add Adrenaline with Zip Lines, Quads, and River Canyons

If you believe a trip isn’t a trip without a touch of madness, I’ve got you covered.

• If you’re up for some airborne excitement, the zip line at Las Cabañas beach in El Nido or Loboc beach in Bohol is calling your name.

• Craving the thrill of a quad ride? Head to the Mt. Mayon volcano in Legazpi, the Chocolate Hills of Bohol, or the town of Port Barton.

• For a wild river descent, there’s the option of Kawasan or Alicia Falls for the inexperienced (no rappelling) or Montañeza and Tison Falls for a medium-level adventure with rappelling.

15. Sleep in a Bamboo Hut

Here’s another must-do in the Philippines: imagine waking up in the morning inside a cozy bamboo hut, swinging the door open, and finding the seashore right at your feet. It might sound like a dream but believe it or not, it’s possible, and it won’t cost you more than €10!

Locals have set up small businesses on some secluded beaches, making dreams come true for just 4 dollars. I recommend checking out Ocam Ocam Beach in Corón or Kalanggaman Island in Malapascua for an authentic experience.

However, if you’re looking for a touch of luxury in a more touristy spot, explore the many resorts lining the beautiful Las Cabañas beach in El Nido. Get ready for an affordable seaside retreat that feels like pure magic!

16. Enjoy Relaxing Sports: Paddle Surfing and Kayaking

If renting a motorcycle offers freedom on land, hitting the waters with a kayak or paddleboard takes that freedom to a whole new level. While others are busy soaking up the sun on the shore, you can wave goodbye to them and claim entire beaches and islands just for yourself.

For a kayaking adventure, El Nido is the go-to spot, boasting charming corners not too far away. Load up your backpack with snacks and plenty of water, and spend the day exploring a secluded island beach – a fantastic plan for those feeling adventurous with an oar in hand.

Now, if you’re more of a paddle surfer, Port Barton is your place. Sure, the daytime brings peace to its waters, but we suggest waiting for the sunset to experience a moment we’d call magical, but that might be an understatement.

17. Find Tribes in the Jungles

When I tell you that there are many things to do in the Philippines for all tastes, it’s because there are. Most islands are home to ethnic groups, and you will have the chance to meet them off the tourist route.

In the north, the Ifugao tribe, Igorot and Kalinga, dominate the mountains of Sagada, Banaue, and Bontoc. In Palawan, the Palawenos are south of the island, and the Mayans are in the Cawa Cawa waterfalls of Sibuyan. But these are just a few among the hundreds of tribes that you can find.

18. Fall in Love with the Thresher Shark

The most elegant shark in the world lives in the waters of Malapascua Island. And if you ask me if it is worth it, I give you a resounding YES, whether you like the water or not. And if you are still doubting, I will convince you at the Malapascua thresher shark.

19. Marvel at the Sunsets

Amidst all the excitement of everything to do in the Philippines, there comes a moment to kick back and relax. Picture this: it’s around 5-6 p.m., and it’s time to grab a beer and head to a west-facing beach. Trust me; you’ll get it once you experience it.

Sunsets in the Philippines have a whole different vibe – way more spectacular with colors that are simply unique, painting the sky in shades of orange, pink, and lilac. Any beach will do to witness this magical moment, but keep in mind that the best colors pop up about 10 minutes after the sun sets. The anticipation is worth it!

For the ultimate sunset views, make your way to Tay-Tay in Port Barton, Las Cabañas in El Nido, or Danao Beach in Bohol. Get ready for a breathtaking show that will make you appreciate the beauty of doing nothing but enjoying the view.

20. Delight Yourself with Filipino Cuisine

Here’s a fun fact: did you know that San Miguel beer hails from the Philippines and made its way to Spain 50 years later? With nine different varieties to choose from, the local favorite is the Pilsen. But for the savvy travelers out there, there’s more to discover, like Tanduay rum, which costs less than a bottle of water. Yet, the best-kept secret is lambanog, a coconut liquor found in only a few places.

Now, when it comes to food, you might find yourself eating in carinderias until you’re tired, encountering chicken or pork in adobo at every turn. Don’t miss out on the yellow mangoes – their flavor is incomparable to the red and green ones from South America. And, for the grand finale, indulge in what some consider the best dessert in the world: the mango float. It’s a flavor journey that’s sure to leave your taste buds delighted!

21. Dive on Sunken Ships

If you thought your adventure list was running short, here’s another thrilling water escapade to add to the list of best things to do in the Philippines. In Corón, there are 24 sunken ships waiting to be explored, and you can dive into the interiors of most of them if you have an Open Water or Advanced qualification.

The dive package includes three exciting dives: two exploring different wrecks and one in open water. Choosing which wrecks to explore will be a bit challenging as there are many on Corón. But trust me, go for the Akitsushima and the Okikawa maru; they are the most impressive and promise an unforgettable underwater adventure.

22. Go Where No One Goes

Ignore anyone who claims the Philippines is too crowded; they probably brought a suitcase on wheels. Let me assure you that only a mere 3% is explored by tourists, leaving the rest authentically untouched. All you need to uncover these hidden gems is to dive into our articles and, of course, a trusty backpack that can take you off the beaten path.

Venturing into unknown territories might sound daunting, but fear not. Regions like Romblon and Sibuyan, the secluded island of Cresta de Gallo, and the ascent of Mt. Guiting-guiting guarantee a virgin experience. If, by some chance, you bump into another traveler, it’s likely because they’ve also come across this article. Get ready for an adventure that’s far from the tourist trail, promising the true essence of the Philippines.

23. Treat Yourself to a Luxury Resort

Now, let’s talk about treating ourselves. Maybe it’s a honeymoon or just a desire to make the stay legendary, even if it’s just for one night. These fantastic hotels go by the name of resorts, and they are the ones that grace the social media photos as places to daydream about.

In my hotel recommendations for each town, I’ve picked out the best ones to get you salivating. Here’s a sneak peek:

  • Nay Palace (Siargao)
  • El Nido Resorts Legend Island (El Nido)
  • Bacau Bay Resort (Corón)

Prepare for an unforgettable stay in these dreamy destinations that turn moments into memories.

24. Enter Endless Caves

Beaches, mountains, and now, let’s talk caves. While you might have heard about the Puerto Princesa underground river, hailed as the 7th natural wonder of the world, it’s a bit of a letdown with the crowds, lines, and a whole day wasted. It’s more of an impress-the-folks-back-home kind of thing.

But hold on, there are other caves that even caving lovers find jaw-dropping. We promise you two hours of pure fun, which is how long it takes to cross them from end to end.

Meet the Lumiang Burial caves, one of the best activities to do in Sagada. These caves traverse the entire mountain and connect with the Sumaging caves. The Sumaging caves take less time and are suitable for all audiences. So, if you’re up for a cave adventure that doesn’t involve crowds or endless lines, these Sagada caves are your ticket to a memorable underground experience.

25. Learn Surf/Kitesurf in Siargao

While all water activities in the Philippines are super cool, I suggest being a bit choosy if you don’t want to return looking like a raisin. If you’re a seasoned surfer or just itching to give it a try, Siargao boasts some of the best waves in Asia. No wonder Australians and travelers from all over the world flock here to spend a few days riding the waves.

Around the island, you’ll find several surf spots, each with its own challenges and ideal seasons. Take Cloud 9, for instance; it is the most famous spot, and the surfing season there runs from July to December. So, if you’re on the lookout for the best things to do in the Philippines and surfing is on your list, Siargao’s got your wave-riding dreams covered.

26. Get Pinoy Energy at Karaoke

The Philippines welcomes you with wide-open landscapes, and the infectious joy of its people makes leaving a tough choice. “Today could be the last day,” that’s the motto of every Pinoy or Pinay (Filipino or Filipina) you encounter, always greeting you with a grin stretching from ear to ear.

This exuberant happiness spills over into their town celebrations, known as a fiesta, and let me tell you, it’s a real party! While there are many annual celebrations, catching them during your trip might be a bit tricky. But here’s an even better idea: join the daily family celebration.

In every Filipino home, there’s a karaoke setup with speakers loud enough for the whole town to hear. They sing whether it’s good or bad, like there’s no tomorrow. And guess what? If you happen to pass by, they’ll invite you in. If you say yes (which is highly recommended), you’ll walk away with a memory topping the list of the amazing things to do in the Philippines, a souvenir of joy and music that will stay with you forever.

27. Discover the Hidden Side of Manila

Manila may seem like the black sheep of the Philippines, not the typical beach paradise, but it’s a must-visit as the entry and exit door to the country. Considering possible delays or cancellations, I recommend spending the last day in its surroundings, just to play it safe for your return flight. It might be a day away from the beloved beaches, but trust me, once you explore all the things to do in Manila day and night, your perspective will change.

And if you’re itching to leave the cityscape, within 2-3 hours, you’ve got the Taal volcano or the Laguna waterfalls waiting for you. These adventures will round out your Philippines experience, giving you a mix of urban exploration and natural wonders.

28. Train Your Patience at God’s Level

Here’s a quirky but crucial point that deserves the top spot. Traveling to the Philippines feels like stepping back in time, where concepts like organization and strict transportation schedules might take a backseat, and the laid-back Filipino vibe can shake up our daily routines.

But wait, there’s more. Nighttime in the Philippines has a unique soundtrack: the relentless party of possessed roosters, the delightful geckos making themselves home on bamboo hut roofs, and the legendary karaoke bars cranking up the volume. That’s why a pair of good earplugs should be at the very top among the essentials in your backpack. Prepare for a journey where time takes on a different rhythm, day and night.

29. Forget Who You Are

It’s astonishing how many folks end up regretting their tightly packed travel itineraries, trying to squeeze in too much in a short time. I get it; there is an overwhelming amount of things to see and do in the Philippines, but here’s the secret: you’ve got to connect with each place, and that can only happen when you’re in relaxation mode.

So, my parting advice is simple: keep an eye on the weather in the Philippines, grab a SIM card with good coverage, and let go of everything else. Trust me, a laid-back approach will let you savor the essence of each spot and make your journey truly unforgettable.

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